
Diaper Raw Material Manufacturers
  • Is adult diaper a necessary care item for the elderly

    Is adult diaper a necessary care item for the elderly


    Is adult diaper a necessary care item for the elderly   In the list of elderly care products, adult diapers are very necessary   Nowadays, the aging of society is becoming more and more serious, and many elderly people are "solitary elderly" and "empty-nest elderly" who have no one around to take care of them for a long time. Some elderly people are accompanied by a partner, while others don’t have partner.   Many elderly people have no one to accompany them for a variety of reasons, such as their children working outside for a long time, or setting up a family to live in another city.   So now many community staff will give adult diapers as a gift to the elderly living alone in the community.   The benefits of adult diapers   First, many elderly people get old, due to the decline of physical function, it will cause some problems of incontinence, if they wear adult diapers can prevent sudden incontinence,. It's much easier to wash their clothes later, or to do personal cleaning.   Second, many communities often hold some outdoor activities to invite the elderly to actively participate in the community, one is to reduce the mental illness caused by loneliness through entertainment interaction, and the other is to well control the safety and health of the elderly within a certain period of time. However, there are many elderly people who want to go to the toilet frequently, so they are reluctant to leave the house. If they wear adult diapers, which can solve this problem. There are more choices of good quality adult diapers which couldn’t hinder walking posture and couldn’t tighten the thigh. Sinbao adult diapers fit the leg type, have a large amount of water absorption, dry and breathable, not allergic, not leaking. In this way, the elderly will not have a psychological burden when they are outside for entertainment, and it will be more convenient for the families who take care of the elderly.   Third, the elderly who are alone at home, due to unsupervised, the news of accidents when going to the bathroom is often reported out, this is because the elderly are old, the legs and feet will become less sharp. The bathroom is often in wet, so it will lead to the ground slippery, so the bathroom is a high-risk area for accidents. There are many elderly people accidentally falling in the bathroom, resulting in paralysis or severe patients will eventually not be rescued in time and die.   If the elderly use adult diapers, they can reduce the chance of accidents when the elderly go to the bathroom.   Therefore, adult diapers are essential care supplies for the elderly, but our most important core is to spend more time with the elderly, in addition to the material convenience of life, but also to give them spiritual warmth.

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  • The elderly with cognitive impairment can also have the dignity and happiness

    The elderly with cognitive impairment can also have the dignity and happiness


    The elderly with cognitive impairment can also have the dignity and happiness   In China, an elderly person goes missing every minute, 68.2% of them suffer from cognitive impairment, and the death rate is 10%. There are 50 million people with cognitive impairment in China.   The largest number of patients with cognitive impairment in the world come from China, but the rate of missed diagnosis in China is as high as more than 70%, 67% of elderly patients were diagnosed in the middle and late stage, most of the mild patients missed the best treatment period. Even if they were diagnosed, they did not get active and correct treatment.   We pay far less attention to older people with cognitive disabilities. It is commonly believed that this is a person who forgets things in old age, but it may be a precursor to cognitive impairment. There are also many families of patients in China have a strong sense of "stigma" and feel that it is a shame.   In 2019, a variety show featuring cognitively impaired elderly people opening a restaurant became the most acclaimed variety show in China. In this program, humanistic care and entertainment achieve a perfect combination.    Since the first season, "Unforgettable Restaurant" has come with a strong public welfare and scientific popularization, the celebrities and the elderly people open restaurants together, the elderly people as the protagonist, the celebrities in the side to play auxiliary. This is the first time for a domestic program to present the status of the elderly with cognitive impairment and the corresponding treatment methods in an entertaining way to the audience, dissolve public stereotypes, and advocate early detection, early intervention, and early treatment.   In "Unforgettable Restaurant," these elderly waiters may serve the wrong dishes or forget to let customers pay, but they are meticulous about their work and sometimes bring you unexpected artistic performances.   After the broadcast of the first season of "Unforgettable Restaurant", there was feedback from netizens that the state of the sick elderly in the show was too good, and the actual cognitive impairment patients with Alzheimer's disease were enough to destroy a family.   The content of "Unforgettable Restaurant 2" will confront the elderly with serious illness and their families , and try to bring courage and hope to those who are in trouble in reality, as well as eliminate social stereotypes about the disease and the people who are affected. "Cognitive impairment is not shameful, it is not so terrible, and severely ill elderly people can also have the dignity and happiness."

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  • Big Tree Cloud Group launched the annual public welfare activity Smiling Clouds - Women Helping Girls

    Big Tree Cloud Group launched the annual public welfare activity Smiling Clouds - Women Helping Girls


    Big Tree Cloud Group launched the annual public welfare activity Smiling Clouds - Women Helping Girls   In order to help girls solve the phenomenon of "menstrual poverty" and gradually eliminate the concept of "menstrual shame". On May 18, the Big Tree Cloud Group jointly with Guangzhou Radio and television to carry out "Smiling Clouds - Women Helping Girls" annual public benefit activity, for the girls from Qingyuan City, Qingxin District Longxiang Town Hedong School, sent over 2500 packs of sanitary napkins to help them to value personal protection and establish a healthy life concept, a total value of over 40,000 yuan of stationery, office supplies and 3 0000 yuan in cash to help the development of the school.   The Hedong School is the first station of donation for the annual charity project Smile Cloud. At the activity site, Mr. Zhu Wenquan, chairman of Big Tree Cloud Group, delivered a warm and sincere speech. He hoped that through this activity, he could bring care and warmth to the girls of Hedong School, help them pay attention to personal protection, establish a healthy concept of life, study hard and lay a good foundation for the future.   President Pan Jianqiang highly appreciated and recognized the charitable donation of Big Tree Cloud Group. He said that the whole society should pay high attention to the health problems of adolescent girls and understand and participate in the campaign to eliminate "sanitary napkin poverty".   As an enterprise with a sense of social responsibility, Big Tree Cloud Group insists on creating better products for women, and pays attention to the care and support for women and girls. In 2023, Big Tree Cloud Group will continue to carry out the public welfare activity "Smiling Clouds - Women Helping girls", and is expected to donate one million packs of sanitary napkins, covering more than 20,000 adolescent girls.  

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  • Whether the hot melt adhesive in the diaper is toxic to the baby

    Whether the hot melt adhesive in the diaper is toxic to the baby


    Whether the hot melt adhesive in the diaper is toxic to the baby   The production process of diapers is a complex combination process, by surface non-woven fabric, absorbent core, PE composite bottom film, magic buckle and front waist paste, anti-leakage non-woven fabric, rubber tendons and many other materials combination, and the combination of all the above materials through hot melt adhesive bonding, this is the current production process of all diapers. Some brands of diapers can be found with a yellow, gummy substance on the back or surface, known in the industry as dripping glue.   In the process of using hot melt adhesive, we need to use glue machine equipment, there are two ways of gluing, one is spray glue, the other is scraping glue, these two ways both use the spray gun and scraping gun. Spray gun is to use several holes in the spiral to play the gas with a set air pressure, glue out of the glue hole surrounded in the middle of the pore into a spiral spray on the surface of the composite material, the material is then firmly bonded together by a series of press rollers.   The formation of glue drops is due to the blockage of the spiral pores in the production process. After the glue is pressed out from the pipeline, it is not affected by the spiral gas and condenses into lumps of glue drops on the product within a certain time. This probability is actually very small, but because the color of glue just drops on the product is white, and can not form an effective color difference with the product surface, so now some large factories used in the advanced visual detection system of stains can not be 100% removed. Therefore, the current level of technology in the industry can not avoid the formation of drip glue.   The smell of hot melt adhesive comes from hot melt adhesive itself, is the essential characteristic of hot melt adhesive, affected by raw materials, production process and circulation link. The raw material of hot melt adhesive consists of main resin, sticky tree finger, diluent or softening oil, filler and other components. The inherent smell of raw materials is an important source of hot melt adhesive smell, and the slight smell contained in hot melt adhesive itself is non-toxic.   Hot melt adhesive is used in the production of diapers. The glue drops formed by hot melt adhesive belong to the production defect and the after-sales scope of the product, but it will not cause any harm to human body.   Newly produced diapers will have a "kerosene smell," which is the smell of the hot adhesive grade antibiotic used in the diaper manufacturing process, and the newer the diapers, the more likely they are to have this smell. These smells are harmless to the baby. Open the package and take out the diaper and leave it for a day or so. The smell will dissipate soon.

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  • The rise of domestic baby diapers is gaining momentum

    The rise of domestic baby diapers is gaining momentum


    The rise of domestic baby diapers is gaining momentum   Diapers date back to the 1960s. In 1961, the global daily chemical giant Procter & Gamble launched the first baby diaper, which was named "one of the 100 greatest inventions of the 20th century" by Time magazine.   In the 1990s, diapers entered the Chinese market. Japan's Kao diapers were the first to occupy the Chinese market. Later, Kimberly-Clark and Procter & Gamble also launched Huggies and Pampers in China.   The domestic diaper market has always been dominated by foreign brands. With the technological research and development of domestic diaper brands in recent years, the gap between domestic and foreign diaper products in basic performance such as comfort, air permeability, water absorption, anti-seepage has gradually narrowed. Some domestic brands have even surpassed foreign brands in research and development technology. More and more domestic diapers have become the first choice of consumers.   In 1996, Hengan Group launched Anerle diapers. Since then, Chiaus, Daddy choice, Daddy baby, Yiying and other domestic diaper brands rushed in.   Some enterprises of domestic diaper brands also have a certain technical basis and advantages. Domestic diaper manufacturers have a certain technical basis in the production process and formula research and development, process equipment is gradually becoming mature, the formula is constantly innovative, and the insight of domestic consumers is obviously higher than that of foreign brands.   In recent years, Tongrentang, Qianjin Pharmaceutical, Beingmate, Biostime, etc., have also cross-border layout of baby diaper products. Statistics show that up to now, there are more than 2,700 enterprises involved in the baby diaper business.   Wang Shengdi founded the Daddy choice diaper brand and has launched a number of baby diaper products, which have been recognized by many consumers.   Chiaus diaper was one of the earlier domestic brands of baby diapers. Chiaus is always stand in the consumers’ perspective. "Soft Universe", a new high-end series of baby diapers launched in early 2022, has attracted strong attention from the market and consumers.   In fact, domestic diapers are also recognized by some foreign brands. According to Huanqiu.com, Japan Kao President Michitaka Sawada has publicly said that the quality of Chinese-made diapers is improving. In the past, it was 50 to 60 points, but now it is more than 90 points.   Liu Chunsheng, associate professor at the Central University of Finance and Economics and vice president of Lanyuan Capital Research Institute, an industry insider, said that the rise of domestic products has become the general trend in the daily chemical industry, with the change of consumption concept and the influence of "Guocao wind".   Zhang Yi, CEO and chief analyst of IIMedia Research, said that in recen...

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  • The first batch of pulp from Uruguay's UPM new pulp mill set sail for China

    The first batch of pulp from Uruguay's UPM new pulp mill set sail for China


    The first batch of pulp from Uruguay's UPM new pulp mill set sail for China   UPM and Saga Welco AS announced that the first batch of pulp from the UPM Paso de los Toros pulp mill had been successfully loaded at the new UPM deepwater pulp terminal in Montevideo and set sail for China.   On May 23, the UPM Montevideo Port pulp Terminal held a loading ceremony to witness the historic moment. Uruguayan Transport Minister JoseLuis Falero attended the ceremony. Saga Faith, a cargo ship carrying about 50,000 tonnes of UPM Finya eucalyptus pulp, set sail on May 26 and is expected to arrive at its destination in 47 days.   The UPM Pulp Terminal in the port of Montevideo began operations in October 2022. This professional and reliable pulp terminal operates 24 hours a day, with an annual capacity of over 2 million tons of pulp year round. There are 80 vessels in total. The terminal has 100 employees. 200 people participate work during the loading and unloading of cargo ships. The terminal also includes a large warehouse of over 50,000 square meters, containing control rooms, logistics space and offices, which can store 150,000 tons of pulp. UPM operates the pulp terminal as a long-term franchised operator for 50 years.   The terminal cost $240 million is an important part of UPM's cumulative $3.47 billion growth investment in Uruguay.   In addition to the terminal, UPM's investments in Uruguay include the Paso de los Toros pulp mill, which began production on April 15, 2023, and investments in local facilities in Paso de los Toros.  

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