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Why does menstruation color turn black?


Why does menstruation color turn black?


1. Deficiency of Qi and Blood

When there are two deficiency of Qi and Blood, it will lead to menstrual disorders, increased or reduced menstrual volume, advanced menstrual cycle, or delayed menstruation, prolonged menstruation, pale color, thin substance, etc. these are irregular menstrual performance. And accompanied by the lack of Qi and Blood, it will also cause physical abnormalities, such as dizziness, pale and yellow, abdominal pain, fatigue, weak pulse and other symptoms.


2. Deficiency of the kidney

After the kidney is weak, it will cause black menstruation, and the menstrual cycle is often irregular, the menstrual volume is small, the color is light red or dark red, and the menstrual substance is thick. Kidney deficiency can cause the waist and knees appear soft, heel pain, also accompanied by dizziness tinnitus, urine volume is more at night. Tongue color is light, pulse sometimes weak, sometimes late. At ordinary times can be through tonifying the kidney to regulate menstruation.


3. Dysmenorrhea

The performance of dysmenorrhea is mainly poor circulation of Qi and Blood, which leads to black menstruation, and menstruation is very unstable, the occurrence of time is very irregular, the amount of menstruation is also unstable. And the color is purple, there are blood clots, and women are also accompanied by lower abdominal pain, breast, chest and hypochetology and other parts will appear distending pain. Observed from the tongue, the color of the tongue coating is dark red and there will be petechiae, or the tongue coating is too white or light yellow. The treatment is mostly to use unobstructed blood and regulate the breath, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing blood clots and pain.

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