
Diaper Raw Material Manufacturers
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What's the difference between ¥4 per piece and ¥0.8 per piece of a diaper?


What's the difference between ¥4 per piece and 0.8 per piece of a diaper?


When we buy diapers, more tend to be: which brand is the most popular recently, the most friends around us are using it and so on. For this disposable product, the difference between large and small brands is not as big as we think. It's not the same as going to a five-star hotel or a food stall. In terms of raw material origin of diapers, there are actually a few fixed places in the world for different factories to produce. In fact, diapers only need to be able to hold the baby's urine and feces.For that matter, ¥4 per piece is not five times better than 0.8 per piece of a diaper.


4 tips for buying diapers


1. Easy to cause red butt, choose hot air surface layer


There are two kinds of surface layers used in diapers on the market: hot air and spun-bond. In terms of use, for most babies and incontinence, in fact, both can be used. But for babies with sensitive skin, it is best to choose hot air, because hot air is much softer than spun-bond.


When we buy diapers , rubbing the top sheet of the sample pack with the back of the hand or face will be more sensitive than finger touch and feel more accurate. Of course, red butts are also related to the frequency of diaper change, personal physique, and the air permeability of diapers.


2. Fluff pulp core is easy to lump and fault


Underneath the surface is the most core part of the diaper - the core body. The diapers on the market have two core materials: fluff pulp (some are also called pulp) and polymer absorption resin. Fluff pulp is the most important component of traditional diapers, and polymer is a more advanced new material, it is more absorbent, and thin, will not lump and fault. The common big brands on the market use fluff pulp core layer, or fluff pulp mixed polymer core layer. Why don't they use pure polymer cores that are more functional and comfortable?


For some big brands, changing production lines in the global market is not only costly but also a big project. More small enterprises focus on quality production. Businesses compete with each other, and consumers have more inexpensive choices.


3. Where does formaldehyde come from?


In a diaper, formaldehyde is most likely from the glue in the diaper, printing ink and flux residue. When we buy diapers, we can't distinguish formaldehyde by smell alone, in fact, most diapers that have just opened the package will have a little smell, but this does not mean that it contains formaldehyde. It is recommended that not choose diapers with too fancy design and too many colors.


4. Additives in diapers


Diapers have added silk, aloe vera, chamomile essence, vitamins... But these additives are not harmful, but the amounts are negligible. They do no harm, nor do they do much good.


Other brands have made designs that "prevent O-legs." "Wearing diapers will lead to O-shaped legs" has already been proven to be a rumor, and the diapers that are cut narrow actually reduce the liquid absorption area.

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