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Storage of disinfectant wet wipes


Storage of disinfectant wet wipes


Disinfecting wet wipes provide convenience and safety in our daily lives. After daily use of disinfectant wet wipes, we must promptly seal them and place them in a cool and dry place to avoid direct sunlight exposure, in order to maintain the effect. Although disinfectant wet wipes contain stable ingredients, they will not evaporate in a sealed environment. However, if exposed to direct sunlight, changes in temperature and conditions can cause instability and other reactions of the disinfectant components in disinfectant wet wipes, thereby affecting the effectiveness of disinfectant wipes.


Families with babies at home must be careful not to put disinfectant wet wipes in areas that are easy for babies to come into contact with.


There are also storage instructions on the packaging of wet wipes, which should be stored properly according to requirements and generally should not have any problems. Some wet wipes indicate that they can be stored in the refrigerator. If stored in the refrigerator, it is recommended to refrigerate them to effectively delay water loss. But it is important to avoid freezing, as wet wipes usually become hard after being frozen in the refrigerator, which can break the fiber material of the wet wipes when taken out and used. Moreover, freezing wet wipes in the refrigerator only helps to sleep bacteria and does not achieve the effect of sterilization.


When using disinfectant wet wipes, pay attention to the following points:

1. Pay attention to the shelf life: after the shelf life, the sterilization and disinfection ingredients will decrease.

2. Pay attention to irritation: High quality wet wipes have no irritating odor, while low-quality wet wipes have a noticeable irritating odor.

3. Pay attention to sealing: Good sealing is for the effectiveness of sterilization and disinfection.

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