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Is spring or summer the golden period for babies to abstain from diapers?


Is spring or summer the golden period for babies to abstain from diapers?


As the weather gets warmer and the obstacles of heavy winter clothing are removed, mothers are once again eager to give their babies abstain from diapers.


This is because they believe that spring and summer are the golden seasons for toilet training, and they want to take advantage of this best opportunity to carry out toilet training for their babies.


However, is spring or summer the golden period for babies to abstain from diapers?


Mothers should know that every baby is different, and the time to abstain from diapers is different. Moreover, the time of quitting diapers is never solely determined by the season, but by the child's own developmental status.


The warm weather in spring and summer only added to the icing on the cake. If the baby is too young, lacks the awareness of autonomous toileting, and has uncomfortable physical conditions, even the best weather cannot allow the toileting training to be completed smoothly!


According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), most children experience autonomous bowel movements at 18-24 months of age. But this does not mean that children must start toilet training at this age, as each child's specific situation is different and there are individual differences.

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