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Baby eczema symptoms and care methods


Baby eczema symptoms and care methods


Baby eczema symptoms type:


The initial appearance of eczema in Baby is erythema, which then transforms into a small, raised rash with an itchy sensation, and eczema is often symmetrical in distribution. They are following types:


(1) Dry type: Eczema is manifested in red papules, have red skin swelling, papules have pityriform desquamation and dry segment scab phenomenon, very itchy.


(2) Liporrhea type: Eczema is manifested as skin flushing, small spot papules exudate light yellow fatty liquid covering the rash, and later formed a thick yellow scab, which is not easy to remove, it’s common on the top of the head and eyebrow, beside the nose, behind the ear, but the itch is not obvious.


(3) Exudative type: Fatter babies have a higher frequency of onset, red rashes will be accompanied by erythema in the middle, skin swelling, itching, bleeding after scratching, and will spread.


Baby eczema care methods:


1. Do not use soap to stimulate the baby's face and bath, if body, limbs eczema heavier, temporarily do not bath in a tub, after washing to apply medicine immediately.


2. Give the baby to change into clean, soft and comfortable clothes, pillows should often change, clothes and bedding should be made of light-colored pure cotton cloth, do not use chemical fiber products.


3. Do not let the baby catch cold and heat, and avoid the cold wind. Do not be exposed to the sun in summer.


4. Nursing mothers should avoid spicy and stimulating food, such as chili, onion, garlic, wine and so on.

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